How Conversational AI Can Benefit Your Hotel

18 Maggio 2023

Beyond the hype: The rise of conversational AI in hospitality

conversational ai hotels

Before delving into the development process of the Hotel Ai app, it is important to first discuss its business objective. In short, the objective is to gather information from the users and let them select the best-suited hotel. Once they have selected the hotel, the app will provide them the chance to book it. An automated front desk receptionist service is great for hotels because it helps guests find information in a timely manner, making them even more satisfied with their stay.

conversational ai hotels

You may recall the level of hype voice search once received in the travel sector. Throughout the 2010s, everyone was talking about the coming impact of voice search across a hotel’s marketing, distribution, and operations. Plagued by poor performance, to this day most voice assistants are barely capable of performing simple tasks — not to mention booking a trip. Conversational AI is a branch of conversational ai hotels AI that focuses on understanding and answering questions using natural language processing (NLP) techniques. It is designed to be able to quickly generate an answer from either a library or, when more advanced, a database. When you integrate your marketing operations into the actions of your sales team, you are more likely to successfully move customers through your marketing and sales funnels.

Remember you’re building for humans

They are not only using standalone or smartphone in-built assistants, but also through almost every device they use throughout the day. This is likely to impact hotels in future, when in-room smart speakers become irrelevant as guests will be able to access voice assistants from any digital device in their rooms. Yet, the ability of in-room voice-activated devices to understand and speak different languages and engage in different accents [39] was identified as the defining feature for their future applicability.

  • If you have numerous sales representatives working in the same region, information may be distributed on a rotational basis to each representative.
  • Hospitality chatbots (sometimes referred to as hotel chatbots) are conversational AI-driven computer programs designed to simulate human conversation.
  • “As hotels struggle with the lack of staff, many managers across the globe are looking for technological solutions that can increase productivity and optimize resources while enhancing their guest’s experience”, explains Tiago Araújo.
  • Though the cost of voice speakers is low, to function efficiently, they must be interoperable and interconnected with other hotel systems [10].

You can see more reputable companies and media that referenced AIMultiple. Throughout his career, Cem served as a tech consultant, tech buyer and tech entrepreneur. He advised enterprises on their technology decisions at McKinsey & Company and Altman Solon for more than a decade. He led technology strategy and procurement of a telco while reporting to the CEO. He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit annual recurring revenue and a 9 digit valuation from 0 within 2 years.


However, as we have seen in article why you should focus more on google and less on OTAs, they are using them to compete in search results. The majority of the data ChatGPT uses is structured data from Booking, Expedia, etc., not from the hotel itself for the simple reason that it doesn’t exist with this system its not a ChatGPT for hotels. Indeed, it consumes more resources than conversational AI for, sometimes, the identical result.

Lufthansa Innovation Hub Unveils AI Assistant Aimed at Optimizing … – Hotel Technology News

Lufthansa Innovation Hub Unveils AI Assistant Aimed at Optimizing ….

Posted: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 02:53:28 GMT [source]

It is, however, not advisable for any hotel group because you can’t afford to disappoint. The cost is huge and if you jump in there you’re in for a long ride before you see any ROI, if ever. By the time your homemade chatbot is in place, the industry will probably have moved to the next thing. What’s great is that you can teach your NLU system whatever you want as long as you have enough user-generated content (conversations).

Development of сonversational AI for hotel booking

Sourcing and procurement is a good example of a back-of-house function core to hotel operations that presents opportunities for AI. I’ve seen this firsthand when I led a sales team because I used another AI-powered tool (Gong) that allowed me to provide my team with instant feedback and automated suggestions, but also made me more efficient in the coaching I provided. Having worked for a company that processed guest feedback for sentiment analysis for years, I saw first-hand the power of AI for processing unstructured data for insights. I love the citizenM brand and have stayed at many of their hotels, but I dislike checking into a hotel on a kiosk. There’s something about being welcomed to the hotel by another person that gives me a sense of arrival. “The opportunity with AI is in augmenting and embedding new insights into existing processes.

Conversational apps are the next step in the evolution of the traditional NLP or rule-based chatbots as they free the traditional booking assistants from the restrictions of text-based interactions. Instant support not only results in satisfied customers, but it also means less time spent handling difficulties like reservations, which leads to shorter sales cycles and more bookings. The use of different types of conversational AI in the hospitality and banking industries includes chatbots, voice assistants, mobile assistants, and interactive voice assistants. As conversational contact between bot and customer can be casual and natural, and the data can often contain sensitive information, so careful technical and policy treatment is necessary.

What are the impacts of AI-powered chatbots on hotel operations?

Requesting a demo from Haptik will enable you to discover more about how hotel chatbots may assist your company in automating various tasks. With AI in place, call center and front desk teams are freed up to focus on more complex issues, such as identifying special offers or comps available to guests, while delivering better overall experiences and more personalized service. Indeed, hoteliers have spent a considerable amount of time filling in Booking and Expedia’s characteristic sheets.

During HITEC 2022, Mathieu Delafosse, Business Development Director, Aiello discussed how this technology can fit into the hospitality business model, provide hoteliers with a competitive advantage, and drive revenue via upsells. With a conversational AI chatbot for hotels, you can successfully fulfill the needs and expectations of today’s digital-native travelers. Hospitality chatbots powered by AI can streamline guest experience across all digital platforms and provide them with instant and personalized assistance. Conversational AI chatbots may acquire essential data such as your guests’ contact information, names, preferences, and more, in addition to interacting with them online. This data is used by AI to qualify and filter visitor leads in real-time, allowing human agents to focus on how to convert leads who appear uninterested to potential customers. Businesses such as NH hotels are investing in AI-powered voice assistants for their call center.